Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I must have looked like a zombie walking around the grocery store last night. I stopped off for some Turkey Day goodies after bootcamp, so patrons were treated by a half dead woman in baggy pants and a baggy shirt, probably reeking of B.O.

Who cares? Clearly I didn't.

So as I'm dragging from aisle to aisle picking out items from our we're-out list, I happened upon these rice side dishes I hadn't seen before.

I've already cheated by chugging V8 Fusion to get veggie servings. Now, apparently, I can eat rice and get some veggies!

They are made by Knorr, and there were two or three flavors. I just ate the "roasted chicken rice." Each packet serves two, and each packet has two servings of vegetables. This one has peas, carrots, leeks and a few mushrooms. Bonus: it tastes just like chicken Rice-a-Roni.

Sure it has a lot of sodium, but if it means I get some veggies, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

The other flavor (I haven't tried yet) is Southwestern rice. I think I saw black beans on the package.

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