Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mid-point evaluation

Overall I'm doing well, according to the evaluation tonight. Here's the lowdown:

Weight: 169 (-2)
Body fat percentage: 31.8% (-0.3%)
Push-ups in one minute: 40 (+11)
Sit-ups in one minute: 35 (+5)
Laps in 10 minutes: 10.5 (-1.5)

I know I ran slow tonight and I can't explain it. I just didn't have it in me. I'm wondering if it's possible to get worse at running when you do it a lot. I don't go for long distances or long times, but I run several times a week for about 10 minutes then do some intervals before weight training.

It was the last thing we did in the evaluation, so not hitting my previous mark AND having a few bootcampers lap me really hacked at the confidence I had going.

It could be worse, though. Some bootcampers' body fat percentages went up. Yikes.

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