Monday, November 19, 2007

Pre midpoint evaluation

I'm worried about bootcamp ending. I guess it's like my mid-bootcamp crisis where I start thinking about the after life.

Will I be able to push myself this hard when there isn't a group of people and an instructor pushing me?

I think I'm on the right track, though. Despite a night of theater and Olive Garden, and despite a day of college football and tailgate grub, I managed to hover at 169. That means I'm down two pounds from the beginning of this adventure. With the two nights of bootcamp and at least two additional gym visits each week, I'm staying active.

But this isn't a sprint this time. If I'm going to take it off and keep it off then I'm going to indulge every once in a while.

Tomorrow I find out if I've improved my weight, body fat percentage, endurance and arm/core strength. Until then, I'm determined to get the recommended amount of water through me.

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