Monday, May 12, 2008

iVillage's plan

There are a zillion different weight loss plans and diets, theories and books. To add to the list of ones I'm trying (or have tried), here's an online tool I found.

iVillage's Healthy Living Online

So far I'm a big fan. You put in your current weight, height and other health indicators (if you know them - things like blood pressure and cholesterol). Then you can take a mental health survey and exercise gauge.

Depending on whether you chose to lose weight, maintain or gain weight, the site spits out day-by-day plans, including grocery lists. Don't like cauliflower or red meat? That's OK - It lets you substitute for other foods that would give you the same benefits.

What sold me is four letters: F R E E.

I'll keep you updated on the progress. My goal is 15 pounds. When I do it I'll be at "baby weight" and one step closer to starting our family.

Today's plan:
9 grapes
1 cup Cheerios with slivered almonds
1/2 cup skim milk

Midmorning snack:
1 small orange

Tuna salad (lettuce, cucumbers, green beans, pecans, mayo and tuna)
1/2 banana
six whole wheat crackers

Midafternoon snack:
1/2 banana
10 animal crackers

Strength training: 40 minutes with 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cool-down

mini hamburger with lettuce and mushrooms on whole wheat roll
10 peanuts
1.5 cups green beans

Sleepy time:
1/2 cup skim milk

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