Monday, February 25, 2008

36 laps

People tell me that if I can do two miles that I can do three.

Yesterday I put that to the test. Inside the temperature-controlled Statesville Y, I grabbed my iPod (this is relevant later), a water bottle (this too) and a lap counter and commenced on the longest run of my life.

The first mile was a breeze. Jogged the entire thing.

The second mile was a little tougher. I had to alternate between a walking lap and three jogging laps.

The third mile was the toughest. I backed down to two jog laps for every walk lap.

So here's where the iPod and water bottle become relevant.

During the walking laps I grabbed the water bottle. I can't explain why, but I take a big swig of water and let it sit in my mouth for a few steps before I swallow it. That method must make me swallow a lot of air, because when it was time to run again I'd start burping. You can only burp so many times before you feel strange, and I started to worry that the burps would turn more sinister.

I discovered (with the help of my marathon-running ridiculousness family) podcasts from iTunes that were made specifically for running. I subscribed to two podcasts: one was the "Couch to 5K" trainer that tells you when to run and when to walk depending on which week along the 12-week program you happen to fall on.

The one I used yesterday was an hour-long mix by some DJ. The channel had several mixes to choose from based on beats per minute. I went with the slowest, since I run very slowly. It also served as a nice timekeeper. Whenever I'd finish a mile I'd check my progress through the mix for my time.

How did I do? I'm a little embarrassed to say.

What the heck: 36 minutes. That's about a 12-minute mile pace. Not great, but stupendous for someone who when she played varsity soccer in high school couldn't get ONE mile in under 11 minutes.

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