Monday, March 31, 2008


Something bad happened to me.

I can't explain it, but I lost all motivation to train for a 5K, all motivation to work out at all. I have plenty of excuses I can lean on, but that's a weak escape from saying I just didn't feel like doing it anymore.

I found a new podcast that should help out, and I'm starting it on Wednesday. I also have new motivation.

I wanted to be ready to run a 5K in Carolina Beach and then Knoxville. When I started training I would have been to the point that I could run it (the runs were over the last few weekends). I can't really go into details, but I had to scrap those plans. My training routine seemed to go with them.

I have new motivation: There is a 5K in Charlotte in August. We can't scrap plans for going if it is right in our back yard. 

So this podcast should get me back where I need to be (from I think). It is a series of nine tracks and you listen to a different one each successive week. There is music and a man telling you when to begin walking and jogging. You're supposed to be ready in two months to run a full 5K. 

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